When you first land on our Admin portal, you’ll be greeted with a screen as such:
This screen, the Dashboard, displays some key metrics about your customers (tenants), your people (users), and the endpoints assessed by all of these. Let’s break down the side navigation bar.
Navigating with the Side Navigation Bar
The side navigation bar is used to explore the portal and perform actions within your environment. Let’s break down what these sections do:
- Overview: High level details about the company
- My Company: Section used to conduct actions within your MSP, such as syncing new directories, managing your people and endpoints, and enrolling new users.
- Customers: These are your tenants (clients) that your MSP manages.
- Access: This section allows you to configure Access based functionality, such as role based permissions or elevated access
- Policies: These are global policies that you can enact within your environment, such as Single Sign-on Duration or IP blocking.
- Customization: This is a white-labeling feature, used to customize your environment.