When you open the Evo Authenticator mobile app, you’ll be required to authenticate based on your mobile devices’ security and biometrics settings.
My Keys
The main page of the mobile app will show your Evo and Third-Party keys.
- Clicking the appropriate key will present you with the one-time authentication code.
- You can collapse (hide) or expand (reveal) all if your keys by clicking the to the left of each key heading.
Offline Codes
- From the main mobile app page, click the button with the three lines.
- Click Offline Codes.
- Answer the security questions associated with your Evo account.
- Click Done.
- Click the account you’d like to see the offline codes for.
- Click Done.
Add New Keys
Adding new keys to the Evo Authenticator mobile app is super easy.
From the main page of the mobile app, click the plus icon. Scan the QR Code.
How to Edit or Delete 3rd Party Key Names
You can modify or edit and of the 3rd party keys you have saved in the Evo Authenticator mobile app by simply swiping RIGHT on the key and selecting Edit. Swiping LEFT on the key will give you the option to delete it.
How to Restore 3rd Party Keys
If for any reason you needed to reinstall the Evo Authenticator app you can restore your 3rd party keys with a click of a button. Restoring 3rd party keys is great, especially if you have several keys tied to your organizations instance of Evo Security.
- Open the newly installed Evo Authenticator mobile app.
- Click Restore.
- Answer the security questions associated with your Evo account.
- Click Done.
Optionally you can choose to start fresh and not restore your keys.
To do this, you will need a new QR Code to scan, or a new one-time code to login into your organizations Evo portal, your organizations administrator should be able to help you with that.
Once you have the new QR Code, from the apps splash page, click Continue, and scan the code.
If you’ve experienced any issues with the Evo Authenticator mobile app, reach out to our team, we’re happy to help.