Managing your hardware keys with Evo has never been easier. Hardware keys can be added one-at-a-time, or in bulk via a CSV file.
Before you upload the keys, all users to be assigned a key must have an Evo account. If the user doesn’t exist be sure to add them as an Evo Cloud user or connect them with your directory of choice (Active Directory (On-Prem or Azure), or Google Workspace).
How to add a single key
Adding a single key is great if you have a new key to assign to user.
To upload a single key, you must have the secret, and serial number in-front of you. Additionally, the user must have an account under your instance of Evo.
TIP: To confirm you’re entering the correct key secret, click the eye () in the field to see what you’re typing in plain text. Clicking the eye again will hide the detail entered in the field.
- From the left nav menu, select My Company. Alternatively, select Customers and and choose a customer from the list.
- From the side navigation, click Keys.
- Click Add New Keys.
- Click Add Single Key Manually.
- Select the key type – TOTP or HOTP.
- Enter in the key serial number.
- Enter in the key secret.
- Select the directory the user has been associated.
- Enter and select the email address for the user.
- Click Assign Key to User.
How to add keys in bulk
Bulk uploads of keys can be done with a CSV file.
The CSV must contain 4 points of data:
- SecretKey: Each key will have a unique secret.
- SerialNumber: Each key will have a unique serial number.
- Type: TOTP or HOTP
- UserEmail: Email address of the user who has been or who will be assigned the key. The user must have an account under your instance of Evo.
The CSV file must have a header row, if the header row is missing the first record will be ignored in the upload. A template is available for download, as located at the bottom of the article.
SecretKey,Type,SerialNumber,UserEmail 1234-5678,TOTP,3456-7890, 4567-8901,HOTP,1029-3948,
If you have many keys to upload, we recommend breaking the files down to contain no more than 500 keys per file. Each file will need to be uploaded individually.
- From the left nav menu, select My Company. Alternatively, select Customers and and choose a customer from the list.
- From the side navigation, click Keys.
- Click Add New Keys.
- Click CSV Upload.
- Click the upload image.
- Browse to the location the CSV file is stored and select it.
- Skip if the correct file has been uploaded. If you have selected the wrong file to upload, hover over the file name and click the trashcan to delete. Repeat steps 7 & 8 to upload the correct file.
- Click Complete Key Upload.